最近读书,看到一本介绍工程师通识概念的小册子。101 Things I Learned in Engineering School 这本小书,有点像口袋书。罗列了101条简短语句,描述核心的工程学概念。看过之后,挺有启发。借助GPT做了中英文对照版。详细的内容还是看书吧。 这里只把条目列出来。
1 | Civil engineering is the grandparent of all engineering.
2 | Engineering succeeds and fails because of the black box.
3 | The heart of engineering isn’t calculation; it’s problem solving.
4 | You are a vector.
5 | Every problem is built on familiar principles.
6 | Every problem is unique.
7 | “Inside every large problem is a small problem struggling to get out.”
8 | An object receives a force, experiences stress, and exhibits strain.
9 | When a force acts on an object, three things can happen.
10 | As a force acting on a fixed object increases, three things happen.
11 | Four material characteristics 12 | Materials compete.
13 | A battery works because of corrosion.
14 | Harder materials don’t ensure longevity.
15 | Soldiers shouldn’t march across a bridge.
16 | Why Galloping Gertie collapsed 17 | Softer materials aren’t always more protective.
18 | Buildings want to float.
1 | 土木工程是所有工程的祖先。
2 | 工程的成败由黑盒子决定。
3 | 工程的核心不是计算,而是问题解决。
4 | 你是一个向量。
5 | 每个问题都建立在熟悉的原理上。
6 | 每个问题都是独特的。
7 | “每个大问题内部都藏着一个渴望解决的小问题。”
8 | 物体受到力的作用,会经历应力和变形。
9 | 当力作用于物体时,会发生三件事。
10 | 当力作用于一个固定物体时,会发生三件事。
11 | 四种材料特性
12 | 材料之间存在竞争。
13 | 电池的工作是因为腐蚀作用。
14 | 更硬的材料并不能保证寿命更长。
15 | 士兵不应当步行过桥。
16 | 原因是“Galloping Gertie” 震桥事件。
17 | 柔软材料并不总是更具保护性。
18 | 建筑物想要漂浮。
19 | Automobiles want to fly.
20 | The ground effect
21 | A roundabout is the safest, most efficient intersection.
22 | Friction is the enemy of a rolling object, but it is what allows it to roll.
23 | Accuracy and precision are different things.
24 | There’s always a trade-off.
25 | Quantification is approximation.
26 | Random hypothesis #1
27 | Engineers wear a belt and suspenders.
28 | A triangle is inherently stable.
29 | The complexity of a truss is a product of simplicity.
30 | Structures are built from the bottom up, but designed from the top down.
31 | The contents of a building might weigh more than the building.
32 | A skyscraper is a vertically cantilevered beam.
33 | Earthquake design: let it move a lot or not at all.
34 | Make sure it doesn’t work the wrong way.
35 | Kansas City Hyatt walkway collapse 36 | The best beam shape is an I—or better yet, an I.
37 | Get even more out of a beam.
38 | “Inventing is the mixing of brains and materials. The more brains you use, the less materials you need.
19 | 汽车想要飞行。
20 | 地面效应
21 | 环状交叉口是最安全、最高效的交叉口。
22 | 摩擦是滚动物体的敌人,但它也是使其滚动的原因。
23 | 准确性和精确性是不同的概念。
24 | 总有一个权衡。
25 | 量化是近似的方法。
26 | 随机假设 #1
27 | 工程师总是戴上腰带和吊带。
28 | 三角形本身就是稳定的。
29 | 桁架的复杂性来源于简单设计的产物。
30 | 建筑结构是自下而上建造的,但却是自上而下设计的。
31 | 建筑物的内部可能比建筑物本身更重。
32 | 摩天大楼是一根纵向悬臂梁。
33 | 地震设计:让它可以大幅度移动或者完全不移动。
34 | 确保它不会逆向工作。
35 | 堪萨斯城凯悦酒店走廊坍塌
36 | 最好的梁形是一个I形,或者更好地是一个I形。
37 | 让梁起到更多的作用。
38 | 发明是智慧和材料的混合。使用的智慧越多,所需的材料就越少。
39 | A masonry arch gets stronger as it does more work.
40 | The four eras of the wall 41 | The first building code
42 | Drawings explain only some things.
43 | Concrete doesn’t dry; it cures.
44 | Concrete and cement are different things.
45 | Concrete and steel are ancient, not modern, materials.
46 | 3 stages of manufacturing
47 | More inspections and fewer inspections both produce more errors.
48 | Early decisions have the greatest impact.
49 | Working faster doesn’t save money.
50 | Perfect reliability isn’t always desirable.
51 | Human time to failure is 1,000 years.
52 | Few customers will pay for a perfectly engineered product.
53 | The Ford Pinto wasn’t unsafe.
54 | Be careful when asking a part to do more than one thing.
55 | Design a part to fail.
56 | Keep one hand in your pocket.
57 | Keep one leg still.
58 | How to read a topographic plan 59 | Balance cut and fill.
60 | Work with the natural order.
61 | Air is a fluid.
62 | Heat cannot be destroyed, and cold cannot be created.
39 | 一座砖石拱门在承担更多工作时会变得更坚固。
40 | 城墙的四个时代。
41 | 第一份建筑规范。
42 | 图纸只能解释一部分事情。
43 | 混凝土不会干燥,而是会固化。
44 | 混凝土和水泥是不同的东西。
45 | 混凝土和钢材是古老而非现代的材料。
46 | 制造的三个阶段。
47 | 进行更多和更少的检查都会导致更多错误。
48 | 早期的决策会产生最大的影响。
49 | 更快地工作并不能节省金钱。
50 | 完美的可靠性并不总是可取的。
51 | 人类的失效时间为1000年。
52 | 很少有客户愿意为完美设计的产品支付费用。
53 | 福特Pinto并不是不安全的。
54 | 当要求一个零件承担多个功能时要小心。
55 | 设计一个零件来失效。
56 | 保持一只手在口袋里。
57 | 保持一条腿静止不动。
58 | 如何阅读地形图。
59 | 平衡挖土和填土。
60 | 与自然秩序合作。
61 | 空气是一种流体。
62 | 热量不可毁灭,冷不能被创造出来。
63 | A radiator doesn’t just radiate.
64 | The most reliable source of heating and cooling is the earth.
65 | Available solar energy is 50,000 times our energy need.
66 | The environmental engineering paradigm shift
67 | Ten Commandments for Environmental Engineers
68 | Water is constant.
69 | Water recycling
70 | Wastewater treatment imitates nature.
71 | Don’t presume the solution.
72 | Think systematically.
73 | “We looked at the program and divided it into the essential elements, which turned out to be thirty-odd."
74 | Think systemically.
75 | A successful system won’t necessarily work at a different scale.
76 | The behavior of simple systems and complex systems can be predicted. In-between systems: not so much.
77 | Stop a crack by rounding it off.
78 | Seek negative feedback.
79 | Enlarge the problem space.
80 | The Tunkhannock Viaduct
81 | Almost everything is a chemical, and almost every chemical is dangerous.
82 | A chemical equation isn’t exactly an equation.
63 | 一个散热器不仅仅只是散热。
64 | 最可靠的供暖和制冷来源是地球。
65 | 可利用的太阳能是我们能源需求的50000倍。
66 | 环境工程的范式转变。
67 | 环境工程师的十诫。
68 | 水是恒定的。
69 | 水的再循环。
70 | 污水处理模仿自然。
71 | 不要假设解决方案。
72 | 要进行系统性思考。
73 | 我们审视了该计划并将其分解为关键要素,结果大约有三十个。
74 | 进行系统性思考。
75 | 一个成功的系统不一定在不同的规模下适用。
76 | 简单系统和复杂系统的行为可以预测,而中间系统则不太行。
77 | 通过圆化裂纹来防止蔓延。
78 | 寻求负反馈。
79 | 扩大问题空间。
80 | 通汉诺克高架桥
81 | 几乎所有物质都是化学物质,而几乎每种化学物质都是危险的。
82 | 化学方程式并不完全是一个等式。
83 | Equilibrium is a dynamic, not static, state.
84 | An electric current works only if it can return to its source.
85 | A seesaw works by balancing moments.
86 | Center of gravity 87 | It’s a column, not a support column.
88 | Articulate the why, not just the what.
89 | All engineers calculate. Good engineers communicate.
90 | How to read, but not necessarily name, a cantilever bridge
91 | Random hypothesis #2
92 | Now you’re the chord.Next you’ll be the joint.
93 | The engineering of satisfaction 94 | Engineering events are human events.
95 | There’s design besides the design.
96 | Identify a benchmark against which outcomes will be measured.
97 | The most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing.
98 | While getting the one thing right, do more than one thing.
99 | The fix for an apparent engineering problem might not be an engineering fix.
100 | Engineering usually isn’t inventing the wheel; it’s improving the wheel.
83 | 平衡是一个动态的状态,而不是静态的状态。
84 | 只有当电流能够返回源头时,它才能工作。
85 | 跷跷板通过平衡力矩来工作。
86 | 重心 87 | 它是一根柱子,而不是支撑柱子。
88 | 把为什么说出来,而不仅仅是说什么。
89 | 所有工程师都会计算。 优秀的工程师善于沟通。
90 | 如何阅读,但不一定要命名悬臂桥。
91 | 随机假设#2 92 | 现在你是弦线,下一步你将成为连接点。
93 | 满足感的工程设计。
94 | 工程事件是人类事件。
95 | 设计之外还有设计。
96 | 确定一个用来衡量结果的基准。
97 | 最重要的是保持最重要的事情是最重要的。
98 | 在把一件事做对的同时,做更多的事情。
99 | 解决明显的工程问题可能不是一个工程解决方案。
100 | 工程通常不是发明轮子,而是改进轮子。