渭城朝雨浥轻尘, 客舍青青柳色新。 劝君更进一杯酒, 西出阳关无故人。
Bidding Adieu to Yuan Junior in His Mission to Anxi
The fall of morning drops in this Town of Wei Its dust light doth moisten, Tenderly green are the new willow sprouts Of this spring-adorned tavern. I pray thee to quench once more full to the brim This farewell cup of wine, For after thy departure from this western-most pass, Thou will have no old friend of thine.
英文翻译选用的孙大雨先生的译文。今天选读这首诗,起因是读孙先生关于中国古诗翻译成英文的文章。文章里就有这首诗作为举例。 我比较受启发的,是孙先生品评这首诗里,“劝君更进一杯酒”这句。 为什么是一杯,不是三杯。这个“一”,也是终须一别(finality)。 有种诀别的含义。倘若比一杯少,半杯,就变成了怪诞琐细。总之,过犹不及。